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Nmap Cheatsheet

Commmon Snippets

Terminal window
nmap -sn $ipAddress | grep -oP '(?<=Nmap scan report for )[^ ]*'
nmap -p- --open -sS --min-rate 5000 -vvv -n -Pn $ipAddress
nmap -sCV --min-rate=5000 $ipAddress -Pn -vvv -oN targeted

Table of Contents

Target Specification

Terminal window
nmap # Scan single IP
nmap # Scan specific IPs
nmap # Scan a range
nmap # Scan a domain
nmap # Scan using CIDR
nmap -iL targets.txt # Scan targets from file
nmap -iR 100 # Scan 100 random hosts
nmap --exclude # Exclude listed hosts

Basic Scanning

Terminal window
# Simple Scans
nmap target # Basic scan of a target
nmap # Scan entire subnet
nmap # IP range

Port Scanning

Terminal window
# Scan Types
nmap -sS target # TCP SYN scan (Default)
nmap -sT target # TCP connect scan (Default without root)
nmap -sU target # UDP scan
nmap -sA target # TCP ACK scan
nmap -sW target # TCP Window scan
nmap -sM target # TCP Maimon scan
# Port Selection
nmap -p 80 target # Scan specific port
nmap -p 80-443 target # Port range
nmap -p- target # All ports (1-65535)
nmap -F target # Fast scan (100 ports)
nmap --top-ports 1000 # Top 1000 ports
nmap -p http,https # Scan by service name
nmap -p U:53,T:21-25,80 # Mixed TCP/UDP scan
nmap -p-65535 # Start from port 1
nmap -p0- # Scan through port 65535

Host Discovery

Terminal window
nmap -sL # No Scan, list targets only
nmap -sn target # Ping scan (disable port scan)
nmap -Pn target # Skip ping (assume host is up)
nmap -PS22-25,80 target # TCP SYN discovery on ports
nmap -PA22-25,80 target # TCP ACK discovery on ports
nmap -PU53 target # UDP discovery on port
nmap -PR # ARP discovery on local network
nmap -n target # Never do DNS resolution

Service Detection

Terminal window
# Version Detection
nmap -sV target # Detect service versions
nmap -sV --version-light target # Faster version detection
nmap -sV --version-all target # Try all probes
nmap -sV --version-intensity 8 # Set intensity (0-9)
nmap -A target # Aggressive scan
# Script Scanning
nmap -sC target # Default script scan
nmap --script=vuln target # Vulnerability scripts
nmap --script=safe target # Safe scripts only
nmap --script=auth target # Authentication scripts

OS Detection

Terminal window
nmap -O target # OS detection
nmap -O --osscan-guess target # Aggressive OS guess
nmap -O --osscan-limit target # Limit OS detection to promising targets
nmap -O --max-os-tries 1 target # Set maximum OS detection tries
nmap -A target # Enable OS detection, version detection, scripts, and traceroute

Timing and Performance

Terminal window
# Timing Templates
nmap -T0 target # Paranoid - IDS evasion
nmap -T1 target # Sneaky - IDS evasion
nmap -T2 target # Polite - slower, resource friendly
nmap -T3 target # Normal - default speed
nmap -T4 target # Aggressive - fast, reliable networks
nmap -T5 target # Insane - very aggressive
# Performance Controls
--host-timeout <time> # Give up after specified time
--min-rate <number> # Send packets no slower than <number>/sec
--max-rate <number> # Send packets no faster than <number>/sec
--min-parallelism <numprobes> # Probe parallelization minimum
--max-parallelism <numprobes> # Probe parallelization maximum
--min-hostgroup/max-hostgroup # Parallel host scan group sizes

Output Formats

Terminal window
nmap -oN output.txt target # Normal output
nmap -oG output.txt target # Grepable output
nmap -oX output.xml target # XML output
nmap -oA output target # Output in all formats
nmap -v target # Verbose output
nmap -vv target # Very verbose output
nmap --reason target # Show port state reasons
nmap -d target # Debugging
nmap --packet-trace target # Show all packets

NSE Scripts

Terminal window
# Basic Script Usage
nmap --script=default target # Default safe scripts
nmap --script=banner target # Single script scan
nmap --script=http* target # Wildcard script scan
nmap --script "not intrusive" target # Exclude intrusive scripts
# Useful Script Examples
nmap --script=http-sitemap-generator # Generate HTTP site map
nmap --script=dns-brute # DNS subdomain brute force
nmap --script=whois* # Whois queries
nmap --script=http-sql-injection target # SQL injection test
nmap --script=smb-enum*,smb-ls,smb-vuln* target # SMB enumeration and checks

Firewall/IDS Evasion

Terminal window
nmap -f target # Fragment packets
nmap --mtu 32 target # Set specific MTU size
nmap -D decoy1,decoy2,ME target # Cloak scan with decoys
nmap -S spoofed-IP target # Spoof source address
nmap -g 53 target # Use specific source port
nmap --proxies proxy-url target # Use HTTP/SOCKS4 proxy
nmap --data-length 200 target # Append random data
# Combined Evasion Example
nmap -f -t 0 -n -Pn --data-length 200 -D, target

Helpful Examples

Terminal window
# Web Server Discovery
nmap -p80 -sV -oG - --open | grep open
# Live Host Discovery
nmap -iR 10 -n -oX out.xml | grep "Nmap" | cut -d " " -f5 > live-hosts.txt
# Compare Scan Results
ndiff scan1.xml scan2.xml
# Convert to HTML
xsltproc nmap.xml -o nmap.html
# Local Network ARP Scan
nmap -PR -sn -vv