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SSH Cheatsheet


About SSH

SSH is a method for securely sending commands to a computer over an unsecured network. It uses encryption, authentication, and tunneling to protect data and connections between devices.

Table of Contents

Basic Commands

  1. Connection Basics

    Terminal window
    ssh username@hostname # Basic SSH connection
    ssh -p 2222 username@hostname # Connect to specific port
    ssh -v username@hostname # Verbose mode for debugging
  2. File Transfer

    Terminal window
    scp file.txt user@host:/path # Copy file to remote
    scp user@host:/path/file . # Copy file from remote
    scp -r folder user@host:/path # Copy entire directory
  3. Remote Command Execution

    Terminal window
    ssh user@host 'command' # Execute remote command
    ssh user@host 'ls -la' # List remote directory

Key Management

Terminal window
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 # Generate Ed25519 key (recommended)
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 # Generate RSA key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/key_name # Custom key name
ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 # Change key passphrase

Connection Management

Terminal window
ssh -N user@host # Connect without executing commands
ssh -f user@host # Background connection
ssh -M user@host # Master mode for connection sharing
ssh -O exit user@host # Close master connection

Port Forwarding

  1. Local Forwarding

    Terminal window
    ssh -L 8080:localhost:80 user@host # Forward local port to remote
    ssh -L 3306:remote-host:3306 user@host # Database port forwarding
  2. Remote Forwarding

    Terminal window
    ssh -R 8080:localhost:80 user@host # Forward remote port to local
    ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 user@host # Remote forwarding for tools
  3. Dynamic Forwarding

    Terminal window
    ssh -D 9090 user@host # SOCKS proxy
    ssh -D 1080 -C -q -N user@host # Quiet SOCKS proxy


Host myserver
User username
Port 2222
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/special_key

Security Best Practices

  1. Key Security

    • Use Ed25519 or RSA-4096 keys
    • Always protect private keys with strong passphrases
    • Store private keys securely
    • Regularly rotate keys
  2. Server Hardening

    • Disable password authentication
    • Use non-standard ports
    • Implement fail2ban
    • Keep software updated
    • Use allowlists for IP addresses
  3. Connection Security

    • Use SSH config files for consistent settings
    • Enable only required authentication methods
    • Limit user access rights
    • Use connection timeouts

Advanced Operations

Terminal window
eval $(ssh-agent) # Start SSH agent
ssh-add # Add default keys
ssh-add ~/.ssh/specific_key # Add specific key
ssh-add -l # List added keys

Common Use Cases

  1. Remote Development

    • Set up SSH keys
    • Configure VS Code Remote
    • Set up port forwarding
    • Use SSH agent forwarding
  2. Server Management

    • Create maintenance scripts
    • Set up monitoring
    • Configure automated backups
    • Implement security policies
  3. Database Access

    • Set up secure tunnels
    • Configure connection sharing
    • Implement access controls